Friday, 28 February 2014

Get Some Rest, You're Covered

Tips for a Good Night's Sleep
  1. Contact Gerald Shtull & Associates and work with Canada's largest credit insurance specialist broker to create a customised credit insurance program
  2. Through your policy, secure your most important asset, your accounts receivables
  3. Watch your cash flow stabilise and your lenders offer you improved margining and conditions
  4. Institute more lenient payment terms and expand into new markets to grow your business with confidence
  5. Relax, knowing that you are guaranteed payment for products delivered or services rendered, and get some rest, you're covered
Please feel free to contact us at any time with your questions:
Gerald Shtull & Associates

Our Mission
Gerald Shtull & Associates is dedicated to providing expert service with unwavering professional care; prioritising the protection of our clients' accounts receivables and the future growth and prosperity of their business.

Credit Insurance is a Financial Tool - GSA and Improved Borrowing Conditions

Aside from protecting your assets and managing your risk, credit insurance also acts as a financial tool.

After protecting your business with AR insurance, you can improve your position with lenders, influencing lending agencies to provide added financing and improve margining and conditions.

On average, lending agencies will finance about 70% on your uninsured accounts receivables. With credit insurance, you can look forward to a possible rise up to 90%, allowing you to grow your business safely and with confidence.

Please feel free to contact us any time with your questions:
Gerald Shtull & Associates

Our Mission
Gerald Shtull & Associates is dedicated to providing expert service with unwavering professional care; prioritising the protection of our clients' accounts receivables and the future growth and prosperity of their business.

Tailored by Gerald Shtull & Associates

A Perfect Fit
Through negotiations with insurers, GSA creates made-to-measure credit insurance programs that eliminate unacceptable risk and suit your business. We are specialists in a highly specialized field, and our interests are your individual needs.

The Benefits of GSA Customized Expertise
  • We identify potentially threatening credit and political risk
  • We determine risk factors and probabilities & develop strategies for risk avoidance
  • We structure a program that transfers unacceptable risk to an insurer
  • We negotiate with the insurers for the arrangement of an appropriate coverage program
Our clients include companies from industries of all sizes. Whether you are a manufacturer or wholesaler, generating revenues of less than one million or more than one billion, your company will be fit with the personalized credit insurance policy offering you the most overall value.

Please feel free to contact us at any time with your questions:
Gerald Shtull & Associates

Our Mission
Gerald Shtull & Associates is dedicated to providing expert service with unwavering professional care; prioritizing the protection of our clients' accounts receivables and the future growth and prosperity of their business.

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Every Step of the Way

Have you been considering insuring your accounts receivable but aren't sure where to start? Sorting out your credit insurance needs can feel like an uphill climb. Our Customer Service Agent Brokers will act as your guide, leading you through the process form beginning to end. We have the right equipment for your journey.

  • INDUSTRY EXPERTISE - knowing your industry allows us to serve you best
  • PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE - we know what fits your business
  • REPUTATION - we are the largest specialist credit insurance brokerage firm in Canada
  • EXPERIENCE - decades of practise in insurance, accounting, and credit management
Your CSA will facilitate understanding of policy endorsements and coverage issues. Through all stages of claim filing and indemnification, GSA will be there for you.

Please feel free to contact us at any time with your questions:

Gerald Shtull & Associates

Our Mission
Gerald Shtull & Associates is dedicated to providing expert service with unwavering professional care; prioritising the protection of our clients' accounts receivables and the future growth and prosperity of their business.

CAPs off to Euler Hermes: A new product for their US and Canadian Customers

On October 1, 2013, Euler Hermes announced an exciting and innovative new product for their US and Canadian customers:
"CAP is a second layer of insurance protection – or “top-up coverage” – allowing businesses to purchase up to $1.5 million of coverage above their previously approved limits. The product is specifically designed for Euler Hermes’ U.S. and Canadian customers of all sizes and sectors, particularly those trading with more difficult risks and markets." Click here to read full article from Euler Hermes.

Around the Globe

Gerald Shtull & Associates is pleased to announce some exciting news - We are now able to service your credit insurance needs worldwide! We have joined forces with Astreos Credit, a European-based, international network of independent brokers specializing in Trade Credit Insurance.

With offices in 28 countries, Astreos network has all of your global business covered.

In The Americas:

In Asia:

In Eurpore, Middle East, Africa:
Czech Republic
South Africa
United Kingdom

If you have any questions regarding international credit insurance, or Astreos Credit Network, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Gerald Shtull & Associates

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Welcome to Our New Website -

GSA is Launching our New Website

Dear Colleagues:
Gerald Shtull & Associates is pleased to announce the release of our new website; designed with a fresh look, user-friendly navigation, and the latest information about our company and services. We hope that you will enjoy browsing our new site and that it will be a useful tool for strengthening our business relations.

Also, you can check out our blog at, or visit by clicking on the News section of the website.

Best wishes,
Gerald Shtull & Associates

Please note that all Gerald Shtull & Associates email addresses have changed, please update your address books:
Gerald Shtull,
Michael Shtull,
Jeffrey Shtull,
Caroline Langlois,
Tiziana Pitino,
Christine Richard,
Emily Simon Bitting,

A.M. Best TV broadcasts new episode, "Needs create demand: Trade Credit Market Growing"

 Click here to watch episode

A.M. Best, the  international insurance-rating and information agency, broadcast a new episode on A.M. Best TV. Entitled, Needs create demand: Trade Credit Market Growing the piece highlights the North American growth of trade credit insurance. European businesses have embraced trade credit insurance for decades, and now North America is beginning to keep pace. Experts suggest that credit insurance will become a "standard tool" in North America. Watch the excellent and informative episode at A.M. BestTV (click here to follow the link).

New Book: Credit Insurance by Paul Becue in association with Euler Hermes

In association with Euler Hermes, Lannoo Campus has published a new book, Credit Insurance. Author Paul Becue is head of information at Euler Hermes Belgium and answers the questions What is it? Why do you need it? and What can it do for your business? in the 250 page volume. Available for pre-order on

EDC's Chief Economist Presents a Better Economic Outlook for 2014

There are six reasons why the economic outlook is more positive for 2014, opines Peter G. Hall, EDC's chief economist and vice president in his weekly report. Watch the video and read the article on the EDC site, CLICK HERE.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

RIAC Launches Website in French: Association Canadienne de L’assurance Comptes Clients

The Receivables Insurance Association of Canada, RIAC, has launched their site in French! An accessible, identical translated page is available for French members and interested parties. CLICK HERE to visit the French site - Association canadienne de l’assurance comptes clients.

New MIGA Publication Provides Insight on Political Risk for International Business

The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), a World Bank Group, has published a valuable resource for anyone dealing in international business.
The 88 page report offers three main chapter sections:
  1. World Investment Trends and Corporate Perspectives
  2. The Political Risk Insurance Industry
  3. Breach of Contract
To view the press release and download the full report in English e-book format, click here.

National Bank of Canada and Business Clients "Capitalize" on Credit Insurance - New Article from RIAC

Receivables Insurance Canada (RIAC) association has published an article highlighting the National Bank of Canada's support for trade credit insurance:
 "The National Bank of Canada leverages receivables insurance for its clients for mutual success
The article upholds the view of trade credit insurance as a financial tool, not just protecting your assets, but increasing your financial flexibility. An excellent insight into trade credit insurance and its diverse benefits.

Monday, 24 February 2014

Trade Credit Insurance Guide Published by The World Bank

One of the most comprehensive guides to trade credit insurance is Trade Credit Insurance by Peter M. Jones. Published as part of The World Bank's Premier Series on Insurance in 2010, this 33-page report includes an in-depth exploration of credit insurance, its benefits and its functions. The document also includes a very helpful FAQ section, as well as a glossary of terms used in trade credit insurance.
A fellow of the  Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, Mr. Jones was a VP at Export Development Canada (EDC), as well as CEO of the African Trade Insurance Agency (ATI), he has also held prominent positions at CIBC and ANZ/ Grindlays Bank.

Another excellent film from Coface

In under three minutes, Coface brings us a film which is also a teaching tool. How Coface Credit Insurance Can Help You To Prevent Non-Payment of Invoices, is succinct and clearly put. The boiled-down information provides a universally comprehensible explanation of how to protect your receivables, and thus your cash flow, with credit insurance.

Considering Export to the US?

Are you considering expanding your business to include export to the United States? EDC (Export Development Canada) offers an authoritative guide, Doing Business in the United States. A meticulous report on the US marketplace for first time and seasoned exporters alike, the document offers valuable information  and expert advice.

Doing Business in the United States: A Guide for Canadian Exporters and Investors is broken down into eleven insightful chapters:
  1. Canada and the U.S. Market
  2. The U.S Economic Environment
  3. Key Opportunity Sectors in U.S. Regional Markets
  4. Preparing to Export to the United States
  5. Traveling to the United States
  6. Establishing Your U.S. Presence
  7. Investing in the United States
  8. Contracts, litigation and intellectual property
  9. Finances and Financing
  10. Trade Compliance
  11. Delivering to the United States

Friday, 21 February 2014

Don't Restrict Your Business' Growth!

Self-imposed credit limits can greatly hinder your company's growth.
  • Letters of Credit
  • Deposits
  • COD
  • Pre-payments
These measures can place you at a competitive disadvantage against companies who do not demand the same restrictions.

A specialist trade credit insurance broker can help you by providing expert industry knowledge and information on unknown buyers, and this can provide you with the confidence to institute more lenient payment terms or larger single order sizes.

A trade credit insurance policy protecting your accounts receivable guarantees you will be paid for the goods or services you provide. Allow your company to be competitive! Look into trade credit insurance today.

Contact us with your questions:
 Gerald Shtull & Associates
Tel: 514-939-6226

Thursday, 20 February 2014

GSA – Announcement
Gerald Shtull & Associates is pleased to announce some exciting news: 
GSA has joined Astreos Credit, a European-based, international  network of independent brokers specializing in Trade Credit Insurance.

 Astreos members can guarantee our international clients the same level of outstanding service that we provide domestically in Canada and the United States.  


In The Americas                  In Asia                                   In Europe, Middle East, Africa
Argentina                              India                                       Belgium
Brazil                                      Japan                                      Czech Republic
Chile                                       Korea                                     France
Canada                                   Vietnam                                 Germany
Mexico                                                                                   Hungary
USA                                                                                        Italy
                                                                                                South Africa
                                                                                                United Kingdom

If you have any questions regarding international credit insurance, or Astreos credit network, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Gerald Shtull & Associates