Wednesday, 18 February 2015

2014-2015 Quebec Fashion Bankruptcies

So many Quebec clothing companies have gone bankrupt (what we in Canada call CCAA),  in the past year, its hard to keep track.

Not only does each company cease to exist in its current form, choosing either to restructure, sell, or close its doors forever, it affects everyone else in the industry as well. Suppliers, manufacturers, import/exporters, distributors, designers, etc, are all touched each time a major player in the fashion industry goes under.

2014-2015 was a difficult year for retailers and wholesalers alike, and a non-comprehensive list of just a few of the best known names to fold this year reveals a challenging landscape.
Bikini Village
Imperial Pants
Rhino Freedom

Boutique de Mode Dahlia
Boutique Jacob
Boutique Onze
Boutique Plato
Lana-Lee Fahions
Modes Cazza
Twin Heart Clothing

If you are a supplier, wholesaler, distributor, importer/exporter or service provider in the retail and fashion industry, you might want to consider your options. Take a look into trade credit insurance, and keep your business safe.

GSA, Canada's largest specialist trade credit insurance brokerage is now serving Ontario!

If you're a manufacturer, importer, exporter, service provider, or distributor, ask about receivables insurance today
It's protection that could save your business

Please contact Ron Magee, our Ontario broker
T: 905-235-5523
C: 416-884-0254
F: 1-866-731-3099


Thursday, 5 February 2015

Questions About Credit Insurance?

Do you have questions about trade credit insurance? 
Think it might be too expensive for your company? 
Are you anxious about the current retail climate? 
Have you had a few bad losses? 

One of our expert brokers will be happy to visit you at any time to discuss your options, free of charge. We can also schedule information sessions and presentations for larger firms or associations.

Call us today for a free consultation, free quote, or to make an appointment to meet with one of our expert brokers.


With more than 20 years in the business, we are the largest specialist trade credit insurance brokerage in Canada. We can help you grow your business safely and without undue risk.